Buat Akun

Saya pemilik brand
Saya ingin meningkatkan brand awareness dan menjual produk saya.

Saya seorang influencer
Saya ingin menampilkan produk dan mendapatkan benefit
Last updated in August 2018
The following terms of service (the “Terms of Service”) govern your access to and use of (1) the website located at https://lemon.cm (the “Website”), (2) the online platform facilitating the matching of persons offering to create online media content that are promotional in nature (each, an “Influencer”), the brand (as defined below), and (3) all other services provided by , as described on the Website (the “Site”). These Terms of Service form an agreement between PT CChannel Media Indonesia (“”, “us”, “we”, “our”) and you.
The term “you” refers to the person or entity visiting, browsing, using the Site, or communicating with individuals or businesses registered with (each, a “Brand”) for the purpose of creating promotional online media content for your products or services (each, a “Campaign”). By accessing and using (the term “use” when used herein in respect of the Site shall mean access or use, and using shall have a corresponding meaning) the Site, you accept and agree to be bound by and comply with these Terms of Service. If you are accessing or using the Site on behalf of another person or a corporate entity, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind such person or entity to these Terms of Service.
Saya ingin meningkatkan brand awareness dan menjual produk saya.
Saya ingin menampilkan produk dan mendapatkan benefit