You're in good hands

See some of the companies that LEMON supports

Beauty & Cosmetics

Large companies and small and medium enterprises

Small, medium or large, we help Beauty businesses show how well your products work.

With a mission to accompany the audience’s important moments, Focallure collaborates with LEMON Influencer Platform to bring out everyone’s hidden beauty through makeup.

Create high credibility with Mega-Macro influencers and create trends for your brand. For brands that have yet to find a suitable strategy, LEMON offers campaign ideas and narratives for your business.

Open campaign registration for influencers who have liked your product so that the content is more authentic because it is based on the influencer’s experience in using the product

Food & Bevarage

Starting from cafes, restaurants, beverage shops, to fast food stalls

Elevate your food and beverage brand with end-to-end influencer marketing solutions

Open campaign registration for influencers who have liked your product so that the content is more authentic because it is based on the influencer’s experience in using the product

Burger King is an international chain of fast food restaurants selling burgers, fries and soft drinks.


Large companies and small and medium enterprises

To bridge consumers to envision your fashion products, LEMON Influencers can help you present directly to your target market through user-generated-content.

UNIQLO is a Japanese company that provides casual clothing that targets everyone

Open campaign registration for influencers who have liked your product so that the content is more authentic because it is based on the influencer’s experience in using the product

Mobile App

Introduce your mobile app to a wider audience

Elevate your food and beverage brand with end-to-end influencer marketing solutions

Create high credibility with Mega-Macro influencers and create trends for your brand. For brands that have yet to find a suitable strategy, LEMON offers campaign ideas and narratives for your business.

ELSA (English Learning Speech Assistant) Speak is an app for learning English that applies artificial intelligence and speech recognition.


Large companies and small and medium enterprises

Attract Millennials and Gen Z to download your financial app with recommendations from trusted influencers

Zipmex is a digital asset investment platform

Open campaign registration for influencers who have liked your product so that the content is more authentic because it is based on the influencer’s experience in using the product


Introduce your mobile app to a wider audience

Focus on big strategies and steps to help your clients and leave the influencer search to LEMON to be more efficient.

Create high credibility with Mega-Macro influencers and create trends for your brand. For brands that have yet to find a suitable strategy, LEMON offers campaign ideas and narratives for your business.

Open campaign registration for influencers who have liked your product so that the content is more authentic because it is based on the influencer’s experience in using the product

Mindshare is a media services company that accelerates Good Growth for its clients in the era of transformation

Buat Akun

Saya pemilik brand

Saya ingin meningkatkan brand awareness dan menjual produk saya.

Saya seorang influencer

Saya ingin menampilkan produk dan mendapatkan benefit